Motorola India has released Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update for its flagship models Motorola RAZR and Motorola RAZR MAXX smartphones in India. The update will have 200-250 MB in size and it will be available through over the air release according to the company statement. New ICS update will give updated look and feel to the user interface and feature an enhanced voice recognition system.
In an official statement, company said that he upgrade would also include homescreen customisation and navigation changes as well as modifications in the social networking integration in the two devices. With the operating system upgrade, Motorola is also providing nine EA games for free to the users.
According Motorola, those who upgrade their device to Android 4.0 ICS will not be able to roll back to Gingerbread.
Android ICS release schedule for for other Motorola Android Smartphones is yet to be announced.
In an official statement, company said that he upgrade would also include homescreen customisation and navigation changes as well as modifications in the social networking integration in the two devices. With the operating system upgrade, Motorola is also providing nine EA games for free to the users.
According Motorola, those who upgrade their device to Android 4.0 ICS will not be able to roll back to Gingerbread.
Android ICS release schedule for for other Motorola Android Smartphones is yet to be announced.