Lenovo has unveiled new two slim laptops powered by Intel Ivy Bridge Chip. The Idea Pad U310 and IdeaPad U410 ultrabooks are the two new additions to ultrabook segment. It offers choice of Intel Core i3,i5 or i7 processors. The details of Lenovo IdeaPad U310 and Lenovo IdeaPad U410 are as follows. Both the models comes with Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology can wirelessly display videos and other content on a big screen and integrated speakers of both machines, equipped with Dolby Home Theater for better sound quality
Lenovo IdeaPad U310: IdeaPad U410 come with 13.3inch HD display screen with screen resolution of 1366*768 pixels. It weighs just 1.70Kg and promises to provide upto seven hours of battery life. For hard disk, users have the options to select conventional hard drive with upto 500GB of storage or solid state hard drive with storage capacity upto 32GB. This Lenovo Ultrabook package contains USB optical drive and RAM can be added upto 4GB. It has Intel's GMA HD 3000 integrated graphics chip and provides connectivity options such as two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port, an HDMI port, and a reader for SD and MMC cards. Lenovo IdeaPad U310 price is $749 for the basic model.
Key Specifications of Lenovo IdeaPad U310:
Lenovo IdeaPad U310: IdeaPad U410 come with 13.3inch HD display screen with screen resolution of 1366*768 pixels. It weighs just 1.70Kg and promises to provide upto seven hours of battery life. For hard disk, users have the options to select conventional hard drive with upto 500GB of storage or solid state hard drive with storage capacity upto 32GB. This Lenovo Ultrabook package contains USB optical drive and RAM can be added upto 4GB. It has Intel's GMA HD 3000 integrated graphics chip and provides connectivity options such as two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port, an HDMI port, and a reader for SD and MMC cards. Lenovo IdeaPad U310 price is $749 for the basic model.
Key Specifications of Lenovo IdeaPad U310:
- Laptop type:Mainstream
- Thickness: 0.71 inches
- Weight:3.75 pounds
- Operating system:Windows 7
- Screen size (diagonal):13.3 inches
- CPU brand:Intel
- Graphics type:Integrated
- Integrated GPU model:GMA HD 3000
- Optical drive type:External
- Speakers:2
- Audio brand:Dolby Home Theater v4
- Keyboard Type:Chiclet
Lenovo IdeaPad U410: IdeaPad U410 offers bigger 14 inch HD display screen with screen resolution of 1366*768 pixels. This ultrabook weighs 1.90Kg and offers upto 9 hours of battery life. Users can choose the hard drive from upto 1TB of conventional hard disk or 32GB of SSD. RAM can be choosen upto 8GB. IdeaPad U410 has Nvidia GeForce 610M graphics with 1GB of memory. Most of the other specs remains same as that of U310. Lenovo IdeaPad U410 price is $799 for the basic model.
Key Specifications of Lenovo IdeaPad U410:
- OS:Windows 7 Home Premium
- Screen Size(Diagonal: 13.3 inch
- CPU: Intel
- Graphics:Nvidia GeForce 610M
- Speakers:2
- Audio brand:Dolby Home Theater v4
- Keyboard Type:Chiclet
- Keyboard YES
- Mouse Pointer YES
- Battery capacity:59 (Wh)
- Weight:1800gm / 63.5 oz.
- Size (w/h/d mm):334/21/235 mm
- Size (w/h/d inches):13.1/0.8/9.3